Answer :
Hitler was the leader of the Nazi party in Germany. At first the Nazi party started implementing policies that got the German nation off their feet after the high tariffs that were placed on the country after ww2. These taxes severely indebted the country and caused a great economic depression. Hitler raised the economy and united the country against a common "enemy" the Jewish as they stereotypically were good with their money. Using this Hitler and his political party started segregating the Jewish in areas of cities called 'Ghettos'. The Jewish were no longer allowed to own businesses or leave the Ghettos unless they had special permission. After awhile in the ghettos the Jews started to be bussed out to labour camps. Their "homes" in said ghettos were often raided and pillaged for valuables leaving much of their things destroyed. After they were all cleared out from the ghettos into these labour camps they were treated horribly. They weren't fed, and were worked half to death. It also wasn't uncommon for an officer at these camps to randomly shoot someone, on a whim. Slowly the camps became more violent taking in women and children. To be shaved and caged up like animals. After a while certain camps such as Auschwitz and Birkenau made the gas chambers and cremation chambers where they'd send people to be killed then cremated. Usually the elderly and children as they had no use as labourers. These camps resulted in a 6 million loss of the Jewish populace. Towards the end they weren't taking in just Jewish people, they brought in anyone who didn't fit into the Nazi ideal of the Aryan race meaning Romani people, people of colour, LGBTQ+ people, Russians, or anyone who was deemed a threat to the government, or to sympathize with these "impure" people.