In Country A, all pharmacists are legally required to provide any and all legal drugs for which a patient has a prescription. This includes a new emergency contraception drug, which has recently been legally approved exclusively for contraception. Some pharmacists, however, are opposed to contraception on moral and religious grounds; they will fill prescriptions for contraceptive drugs if they have other legal uses, holding that in such cases the patient is taking responsibility for how the drug is used, but they refuse to provide drugs that have no other legal use than contraception.

1. Analyze it in terms of Mill’s Art of life.
2. Analyze it in terms of Kant’s categorical imperatives
3. Analyze is a term of Aristotle’s definition of virtue

Answer :

much of philosophy is talking about rules as if there is no God

it asks what if there is no God. what are the rules then

all 3 say abortion is wrong not because its against the commandments

but more about

pacifism or don't kill anybody for any reason

everyone has a value

in a funny way

if all 3 were pharmacists they might offer free condoms instead