Answer :
Dinner, Lunch
a doorbell
a normal man
nowhere, because they survived.
all the people on the boat are married
approximately 14 billion years ago
we invented math
The hippocampus is thought to be the place where some memories are first stored. Over time, these memories may then be stored in other parts of the brain, namely the neocortex.
free will is true
life after death has never been discovered
dreams are clashes of memories, fears and experiences, and thoughts your brain used to help shut down
many people have ideas of our goals, but I think its to preserve our earth
depends on who you are and what you did
the color
many people have different ideas of god and who they are, so there is no true answer.
our morals change over long periods, so no one person decided it
to be remembered and make a change in the world for the future generation
freedom is not being held captive, and it does exist
the chicken, because chickens did not start as eggs at the start of the universe, they started as dinosaurs and dinosaurs were once bacteria and so on
your genes, experiences, and who you make yourself out to be
60 years and above.
because everyone else is living the same life you are.
a heavy degree, but at about 4 years old we gain self freedom to do what we want and remember said things.
the earth is alive with plants and animals
no, it's hard to decide what's wrong, good, or evil, since we all have our moral compass
some people are afraid of rejection, change, and punishment
were always in control of ourselves so there is no controlled abyss.
our parents typically, since they birthed us, but it depends on what moment you mean
willed it
there are people who match and are meant to be close, but no one is truly meant to be together, because there can be someone else just like the person