Bullfighting is a popular sport in Spain and Mexico. The first bullfight took place almost 1300 years ago. Originally the bullfighters used horses but eventually they ended up fighting the bulls on foot. There are various roles played throughout the bullfight. The most important role is played by the matador. The matador is the main bullfighter who has the responsibility to amaze the audience with his bravery, skill, and grace in fighting with the bull. At the end of the fight, the matador kills the bull by stabbing him with a sword. Before the matador takes control of the fight, he is assisted by picadores and banderilleros. The picadores cause the bull its first injuries by stabbing the bull and causing loss of blood, thus making it easier for the matador to later kill the bull. The banderilleros further injure the bull by stabbing it with special sticks.

Bullfighting is currently filled with controversy. According to its supporters, bullfighting is a cultural and historical tradition that should be continued. On the other hand, opponents of bullfighting state that it is simply animal abuse.

Answer the following questions using 5 complete and detailed Spanish sentences.

1. What is your opinion of bullfighting?

2. If you were in Mexico or Spain, would you attend a bullfight? Why or why not?

3. Are you aware of any controversial traditions or practices in your culture or country? How is that tradition similar to or different from the tradition of bullfighting?

Answer :

For most people bullfighting is a cruel practice that should be allowed despite its cultural significance.

What do people think about bullfighting?

Bullfighting is often a controversial topic because in countries such as Spain or Mexico is considered a tradition. Despite this, many people consider it a cruel practice.

Due to this, people who defend animal rights do not attend this event because the bull suffers during the process and it is killed just because of entertainment.

What are other similar traditions?

Bullfighting can resemble other traditions such as eating specific wild or domestic animals such as cats or dogs, which is not considered good in our country but it is a tradition in other countries.

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