Match these items. Match the items in the left column to the items in the right column.
1. aromatic
2. dynasties
3. hieroglyphics
4. ka small figures
5. mastabas large,
6. mummification
7. sarcophagus
8. ushabti

picture words
spirit or soul
small figures representing servants
large, flat pieces made of mud-brick
families that maintained political power for more than one generation
an outer coffin made of stone; for royalty it might be made of gold or silver
a technique for preserving bodies

Answer :


aromatic - good-smelling

dynasties - families that maintained political power

hieroglyphics - picture words

ka - spirit or soul

mastabas - large, flat pieces of mud-brick

mumification - a technique fro preserving bodies

sarcophagus - an outer coffin made of stone

ushabti - small figures representing servants