1. Both
2. Lamarck
3. Darwin
4. Darwin
5. Lamarck
6. Both
7. Both
8. Darwin
9. Lamarck
10. Both
in 1, we need time therefore both. In 2, Lamarck because in Darwinian evolution, species change not organisms. In 3, Darwin because of natural selection, mutation, and probably a little bit of heredity. 4 is Darwin because in Lamarckian evolution. 5 is Lamarck because based on natural selection, organisms should go extinct. 6 is both because they both rely on the environment. 7 is both because of heredity. 8 is Darwin because in Lamarckian evolution, traits acquired throughout ones lifetime can be passed down to offspring. 9 is Lamarck because in Darwinian evolution, organisms do not decide their traits. 10 is both because both idea ssupport the idea that organisms, be it in Lamarckian or Darwinian evolution, are still and will carry out on changing.