Please may I have help with this question.
Thank you

The economic effects were more significant than the social effects.
The social effects included the flooding of over 600 houses and the evacuation of 16 farms. Villages, such as Borrowbridge, were cut off, and power supplies, roads, and railways were also affected. The Bristol to Taunton line was closed at Bridgwater for instance. The environmental impacts were even worse though; an enormous volume of debris dumped by the floodwaters had to be cleaned up and stagnant waters had to be re-oxygenated before being pumped back into rivers. However, I think the worse impact of all was the contamination of all flooded areas by oil, agricultural chemicals, livestock effluent, and human sewage. I think that this is the worst impact because of its potential for causing harm to humans and other animals.
In conclusion, I think that the socio-economic and environmental effects of this flood were both important but that the environmental effect was more important, because of the potential to cause harm.