Identify one of the darker actions examined in a story or drama from this unit. In what piece is the action highlighted? What intentions or emotions prompt the action? How would the story or drama change if the characters were able to over come the darker impulse and indulge a higher intention?

Explain for “The Raven” by Edgar Allen Poe.

Answer :

In "The Raven" the main character becomes mad due to grief; however, he could have overcome his grief.

What is one dark action in "The Raven"?

In this literary work, the main focus is the decline in the mental health of the main character as he slowly becomes mad throughtout the story.

What feelings motivate this action?

His madness is triggered by the lost of his love Lenore.

How would this story change if the character ovecame the darker impulse?

The character would continue reading or doing a different activity to overcome the negative feelings due to the death of Leonor.

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