Data were recorded for a car’s fuel efficiency, in miles per gallon (mpg), and corresponding speed, in miles per hour (mph). Scatterplot A displays the relationship between the car’s speed and fuel efficiency. Two transformations of the data are shown in scatterplots B and C. Scatterplot B displays the relationship between the car’s speed and the natural log of the fuel efficiency. Scatterplot C displays the relationship between the natural log of the car’s speed and the natural log of the fuel efficiency.

Which scatterplot best represents the relationship between a car’s speed and its fuel efficiency?

A linear model would best represent the relationship because scatterplot A is fairly linear.
An exponential model would best represent the relationship because scatterplot B is fairly linear.
A power model would best represent the relationship because scatterplot C is fairly linear.
A linear model would best represent the relationship because scatterplot C is fairly linear.

Data Were Recorded For A Cars Fuel Efficiency In Miles Per Gallon Mpg And Corresponding Speed In Miles Per Hour Mph Scatterplot A Displays The Relationship Betw class=
Data Were Recorded For A Cars Fuel Efficiency In Miles Per Gallon Mpg And Corresponding Speed In Miles Per Hour Mph Scatterplot A Displays The Relationship Betw class=
Data Were Recorded For A Cars Fuel Efficiency In Miles Per Gallon Mpg And Corresponding Speed In Miles Per Hour Mph Scatterplot A Displays The Relationship Betw class=