Answer :
A statement that is valid according to law of contract will be termed true while an invalid one is termed false.
Validity of the statements
- Under the UCC, a contract will generally fail because one or more terms are left open, (TRUE)
- A contract without a quantity term is valid. (TRUE)
- A contract for services is specifically covered by the UCC. TRUE
- Whether there has been an offer is determined by a subjecive standard. TRUE
- A says to B: "I am going to sell my car for $2,000." B says: "I accept, here is my check." There is a contract. TRUE
- Offers made in jest are always invalid. FALSE
- B agrees to buy all of her requirements from S. S agrees. The contract fails for lack of a definite quantity term. TRUE
- A writes to B: "I will offer you S20 a week if you will give violin lessons to my son. You have 30days in which to reply to this offer." B is still thinking about it when a purporis to revoke 15days later. B can nonetheless accept. TRUE
- When an offeree learns from a third party that the offeror has sold the goods. the offer is re-voked. TRUE
- The modern view is that once the offeree of a unilateral contract begins to perionin, the offeror may not revoke his promise. FALSE
- An offer continues until there is an express revocation of the offer. TRUE
- A offers to sell his watch to B for 100. B says she will take it for 575. B may laier accept the offer for S100. TRUE
- A offers to sell his watch 10 B for $100.1 gives a 55 to keep the offer open. A may not revoke. TRUE
- Under the UCC, a non-merchant may make her offer irrevocable without consideration. TRUE
- In general, an offeree must affirmatively convey his or her intention to accept an offer to enter into a bilateral contract TRUE
- A says to B:"If you paint my house, I will give you 5100." B promises to paint a's house. Thereis a contract. TRUE
- At common law, an offeree may request additional terms in accepting the offer. TRUE
- Merchant S accepts Merchant B's offer with an additional clause providing for reasonable interest for overdue invoices. The additional clause is part of the contract. TRUE
- Revocation of an offer sent by mail is elfective upon receipt. TRUE
- lla ained for forbearance of a legal right will constitut esileration TRUE
- B agrees to buy a house offered by S if B gets a bank loan. There is a contract TRUE
Law of contract
Law of contract is an agreement between private parties creating mutual obligations enforceable by law. The basic elements required for the agreement to be a legally enforceable contract are: mutual assent, expressed by a valid offer and acceptance; adequate consideration; capacity; and legality.
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