Answer :
The contrast between life and death becomes prominent towards the end of the story. This story ending is not a very happy ending but a realistic one. "She gave me a message: she told me to tell you. She told me to tell you that she never was engaged to that handsome Italian. I am sure I am very glad; Mr Giovanni hasn't been near us since she was taken ill. I thought he was so much of a gentleman; but I don't call that very polite!'" This is very sad to hear if you are in position. He really loved her and she loved him but she was playing with his heart. Also, the fact that Mr. Giovanni did not come around anymore shows his intentions were not the same. Love and death is a sensitive subject that shows throughout the story. These contrasts are what makes the story interspersing and keep the readers on the edge of their seats. If these contrasts were solved or there were no conflict would the story be as good? The story would possibly be completely different.