In a trapezoid the sum of the bases is 28 and the area is 84.
What is the altitude or height of the trapezoid?

Answer :

Answer:   If you sketch this out, you should be able to convince yourself that if you drew a line parallel to the bases and halfway between them, and a vertical at the end of that line, there would be an extra triangle on the longer base that would just fit into the space at the end of the shorter base, if you cut and pasted it.

You should also be able to convince yourself by what you know about similarity that the length of that parallel halfway line is just halfway between the lengths of the bases (you can add them and divide by two).

So your trapezoid (trapezium, we call ’em this side of the pond) has the same area as a rectangle with an altitude equal to the trapezoid’s and a width equal to the sum of those bases divided by two. And since you know about rectangles, you’re home and dry. I suggest you do the sketch, fill in the numbers, and then you’ve completed a model piece of homework that should earn full marks and the teacher’s approval.

Step-by-step explanation: