What are the horticultural advantages of producing plants by cuttings rather than from seeds? Can you think of any disadvantages?​

Answer :


Propagating a plant by cuttings will allow you to keep the special characteristics of that plant. Plants grown from seed will often be different from the parent plant and from each other. Propagating a new plant via cuttings avoids the difficulties of propagating by seed.

Propagating a plant by cuttings will allow you to keep the special characteristics of that plant. Plants grown from seed will often be different from the parent plant and from each other. Propagating a new plant via cuttings avoids the difficulties of propagating by seed.

You will get greater uniformity (clones) of your plants. The plant will reach maturity at an earlier age. Disadvantages of propagating stem cuttings are: You will get a lack of genetic diversity and you may potentially increase Insect and Disease weakness in the new plant.