Answer :
As I would like to think, I would prefer to peruse a book as opposed to review a film dependent on a book. Is the film more beneficial than the book? One motivation behind why is the point at which you are perusing a book, it will have numerous parts in the book that you may like. In a motion picture, it will forget about numerous great parts that the book had in light of the fact that a film just takes around one hour to three hours. That is an extra motivation behind why I like books more noteworthy than motion pictures is that it requires some investment to peruse them, and you can get more data than a film. One motion picture I saw that depended on a book was titled the kid in the striped night robe. In the motion picture, it forgot about various parts that were in the book. Rather, the film included parts that were not even in the book. The first occasion when I saw the film I perceived that the motion picture was nothing like the book. Likewise, the book passed on articles to the peruser that a film did not, for example, the foundation material, the setting, and what the characters are making. The book finale of the kid in the striped night wears you knew the two young men passed away in the gas chamber. The film, notwithstanding, you needed to discover what jumped out at them since it didn't state it like the book. The book likewise gave you insights concerning how they were feeling when they needed to get in the gas chamber. The book gave you data about the kid's family after he kicked the bucket and the motion picture did not. While you are understanding you are making your individual motion picture in your own impression, and you will settle a large number of the noteworthy parts like how the characters talk, what they will resemble, and what their encompassing will resemble. The writer causes the book in his individual way and the motion picture to can not be improved than the book on the grounds that the writer made the book and you can't improve it in the event that you are not the writer. Taking everything into account, I think you should preferably peruse the book overview of the film.