Scientists have long studied the question of how low a person's temperature can go where they are still able to be revived. The Nazis did experiments about this issue of hypothermia. They were very meticulous in documenting their data. Why might it be objectionable to use the data collected by these doctors when writing a report hypothermia?

A. Nazis tended to overestimate themselves, so it is likely the data was falsified.
B. The people who conducted the experiments were not true doctors or scientists.
C. The data was obtained from patients who were not able to give informed consent.
D. Because of their crimes against humanity, nothing Nazi doctors did is valid.

Answer :

D. Using experiments from nazi scientists would be frowned upon all over the world because of the things that they did.

Answer: C

Explanation: While the scientific data gathered could very well be valid, the nature of the experiment makes it sort of morally gray to benefit from the data, because the people they used were forcefully experimented on.

There are a lot of instances in science like this: questions that scienctists do have, but there's really no way to find the answer without physically or psychologically damaging humans or animals. Most of these experiments would never be performed today.