MARYNHART2006GO MARYNHART2006GO History Answered Use the Human Geography in Action book (Ch7: Rags and Riches) and your textbook (Ch 9) to define the following terms. Define the following IN YOUR OWN WORDS: 1) Core Periphery 2) Dependency School 3) Economic Indicators 4) Import Substitution 5) Neocolonialism 6) Neoliberal Counterrevolution 7) Polarization Effects 8) Spread Effects 9) Structural Change 10) Sustainable Development 11) Technology Transfer 12) Transition Economy 13) Appropriate Technology 14) Development 15) Human Development Index 16) Gross Domestic Product 17) Per capita 18) Less Developed Country 19) Literacy Rate 20) More Developed Country 21) Primary Sector 22) Productivity 23) Secondary Sector 24) Structural Adjustment Program 25) Tertiary Sector