Answer :
Fracking is exempt from federal environmental laws that allow industries to conceal the contents of the chemicals they are using.
oil/gas is extracted by horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing / releases toxic chemicals into water and air
surface spills
wastewater disposal
drinking water contamination
yet it all reduces air pollution...?
once they "frack" do they cover up or plug the hole they fracked in
well integrity failures - who monitors the well that they used and is it still open
has been documented to cause earthquakes - fluid is injected at faults and fluid pressure increases within that fault, counteracting the force on the fault. An example is an M4 earthquake in Texas.
Also, interestingly, it causes noise pollution. It is loud. People do not seem to understand how loud fracking can be.
Also, if gas is coming out where the water is coming out - not a good mix. One person even lighted a match with the chemicals coming out from the well that was made.