1. Becoming aware of your _______ is important in knowing yourself. They define who you are, shape your _____________ and _________________, and help you set ______________.
2. You can determine your values by ____________ about what is really ____________ to you. Choosing a __________ that matches your values can help ensure that you will ___________ your _____________. You will also gain a sense of _____________________.
3. Values may ___________ as you go through ___________. However, you may keep a _______ set of values that you ____________ early in your life from people that were ____________ to you. These people may include ___________, _____________, and __________. Values are also influenced by __________ ___________, _____________, and _____________ ________________.
4. In addition, to considering your values, you should pay ____________ to your interests when choosing a career. _____________ are the activities you enjoy doing.
5. Identifying your interests can help you recognize whether you would prefer to work with ________, __________, or ________. Examples of people who work with data are _____________________, ____________________, ________________, and __________________.
6. Now that you have identified some of your values and interests, you should consider your ___________ and _______________. Think of them as the “__________” and “________” of learning a skill.
7. Your _____________ should also influence your career choice. These ____________ and ________________ define who you are as an __________________.
8. Being aware of your own __________________ ___________helps to determine the best way to ___________ something. You will do well in a career that _______ your ___________ learning styles.

Answer :

Yes this is the correct answer good job