Four-year-old Naomi is developing normally. She is about to start her schooling and has a strong relationship with her parents and her older brother.
Explain how Naomi's relationship with her parents might develop based on each of the following stages or concepts.
- Trust versus mistrust
- Secure attachment
- Contact comfort
Naomi's older brother convinces her that a nickel is worth more than a dime because it is larger. He also often hits and punches her stuffed animals, which makes Naomi cry because she thinks they are hurt. Naomi loves puppies and assumes that everyone else loves puppies as well.
Explain how the following might relate to what Naomi can or cannot understand at her age, according to Piaget's theory of cognitive development.
- Conservation
- Animism
- Egocentrism
Part C
Explain how Naomi's early experiences might relate to the following concepts later in her life.