Rewrite the following sentences into passive voice.
1. My sister painted the picture.
2. His friend laughed at him.
3. The gardener prepared the soil.
4. We must listen to his words.
5. We can store the water in the tanks.
6. Do not insult the weak.
7. Pay that bill today.
8. I am watching you very carefully.
9. John is writing letters.
10. They have built a new bridge across the river.
11. They have announced the result.
12. Why did you do it?

please answer this correctly i will make u a brainlist

Answer :

1. the picture was painted by my sister
2. he was laughed at by his friend
3. the soil was prepared by the gardener
4. his words must be listened to by us
5. the tanks can store the water
6. the weak shouldn't be insulted
7. the bill should be payed today
8. you're being watched by me very carefully
9. letters are being written by john
10. the river has a new bridge built across it
11. the results have been announced by them
12. why was it done by you?

some may be wrong