Answer :
The exercise is from Othello - No Fear by William Shakespeare.
As evident in Act 1 Scene 1, Brabantio enters the scene asking to know 1what the reason for the horrible shouting was.
What are the other Answers in the question from Othello - No Fear?
The words which Brabantio uses to express his emotions are "Horrible" or "Terrible". His tone is reeks of annoyance, one who has been disturbed.
2) Very skillfully, Williams Shakespeare, gets the audience's attention because the Act begins in the middle of a sentence. Hence the reader's mind is immediately put in suspense to know what the conversation is about.
3) At first it is as though they are discussing how deep their relationship as friends are, but by the time Roderigo speaks, it becomes evident that they are discussing Othello.
4) Roderigo is exposed by Brabantio as one who is cunning. See lines 126. Roderigo is in love with Brabantio's daughter but because he can't have her, he devises this cunning move to kill his master.
5) Brabantio is so angry because he can see through Roderigo's cunningness. He is further angered after he has been deceived by Roderigo about the possible relationship between his daughter and Othello, a black man.
Coming from a ruling class, this really upset him, and here are some of the racist names with which Othello is described:
- Lustful Moor
- African Horse
See the link below for more about Othello - No Fear: