Step-by-step explanation:
so imma just do up till 28 but don't worry I'll show you how to do it
explaination: when devideing a number thats a fraction you use keep multiply reciprocal (basically flip the fraction) so for example 3/12÷2/4 well we would keep the 3/12, then turn the deviding sign into a multiplying one, then flip the 2/4 to 4/2. so your problem now would be 3/12×4/2 then you just multiply across.
explanation for the whole number deviding a fraction: just put a 1 under the whole number to turn it into a fraction, then do the same thing you would normally do to devide fractions.
explanation for the mixed number: so do the Texas method then solve normally, the Texas method for example is 3 2/4÷ 8 2/5 you basically + then ×(like the state initial tx), so you + the number to the side to the numerator then you multiply it by the denominator