Answer :
Charles believed in the divine right of kings and was determined to govern according to his conscience. Many of his subjects opposed his policies, in particular, the levying of taxes without parliamentary consent, and perceived his actions as those of a tyrannical absolute monarch. He won power after a struggle with his brother. many things as a ruler, but many historians would agree that one of his greatest accomplishments was uniting a very divided government. Catherine faced down more than a dozen uprisings during her reign. Of the various uprisings that threatened Catherine's rule, the most dangerous came in 1773, when a group of armed Cossacks and peasants led by Emelyan Pugachev rebelled against the harsh socioeconomic conditions of Russia's lowest class, the serfs. The use of Social Media is the most common these days. A lot of people do believe everything they are told and see on Social Media. The media and entertainment industry is another powerful tool for influencing societies. A lot of movies and TV series are funded by people who believe a script matches an ideology that could help influence the watchers.