Answer :
Explanation:Typically, the gods punished those who were bad. For example, Tantalus, who killed his own son and servedhim to the gods for dinner, was sent to Hades and made forever thirsty and hungry. Although there was a poolof clear, fresh drinking water at his feet, whenever Tantalus bent down to drink, the pool would dry up anddisappear. Likewise, over his head hung the most delicious fruit. However, whenever Tantalus reached for them, a windwould blow them just out of his reach. The English word “tantalize” derives from the name Tantalus.”Do you think it indicates the presence of a cruel impulse among the ancient Greeks.Apollo had to allow Helios' son to use his chariot, because Helios swore by the Styx to give his son, Phaëthon, whatever he wanted. This tells us that the Greek culture is able to be trusted with promises no matter how serious.The key values expressed in chapter one include the Concrete, and Humanism. To begin with, the Greeks believed that the universe created the gods and that humans were at the center of the universe. The Greeks also made the gods how they wanted them to be. In other words, they gave the gods a human appearance that had not previously been done by other cultures. One example of the concrete was the fact that the Greek gods had a tangible home named Olympus. Their gods did not exist in a non-specific place. Additionally, each of their gods had a name and governed their own area of life.