thank youuuuu
i reallly really need it

The characters' desire for love, the plot's consistency and appeal, and the themes of beauty and love make it a universal story. Romeo and Juliet confess their love for each other on the iconic balcony scene, and they intend to marry on Juliet's advice. It does not, in my opinion, merit this label. I like poetry, but I'm not sure if I'm the right person for it. This is completely untrue in today's world of teenage love. If I proposed to all of my crashes today, 1/4 would be me dating out of desire for "me in their bed"('body to body'), another 1/4 would already have a significant other, and the other 1/4 would either pretend that I never said anything or avoid me at all costs.The final one-fourth would be so confused and overwhelmed that they would just run, or date me out of pity.Not wanting to hurt my feelings. So it is terribly inaccurate also Because Romeo and Juliet were never in love, it is not considered a love story. They met at a party and married the next day.There was simply no time to process. Like it would take in real life.