Answer :
Rule: Any positive number is always larger than any negative number.
For example, 10 is larger than -2. So we write 10 > -2.
The same goes for 8 & 1/4 vs -8 & 1/4. It doesn't matter if we involve fractions or decimals.
Visually, positive numbers are to the right of 0 on the number line. Negative numbers are to the left of 0.
Stuff on the right is larger than stuff on the left.
Step-by-step explanation:
When you plot both those numbers on a number line, 8 ¼ will be on the right of the zero, and -8¼ will be on the left. The numbers on the right of zero are +ve and numbers on the left of zero are -ve. +ve numbers are always greater than -ve numbers, so 8¼ > -8¼!