Answer :
There are three fully formed female characters in Rebecca. "Mrs. De Winter, Mrs. Danvers, and Mrs. De Winter." There are various variances between the three women, as well as some parallels.
What are the features of female characters' coordination?
Given the time period of the tale, society has an impact on the characters. This story was written during a time when women were expected to be submissive wives who did not deviate from the norm.
Each woman in this tale was affected by the society in her own unique way. In this tale, Mrs. Danvers, Mrs. de Winter, and Rebecca are three quite distinct individuals. Rebecca's name was never mentioned in the first person. Mrs. de Winter, the narrator's point of view, tells us about her.
Rebecca is a fascinating character since no one seems to truly understand her, yet she has the most influence on all of the characters without them even realizing it. Rebecca isn't known for being a pleasant person. She is described as mean by a number of characters.
"She turned on me, she did," Ben had claimed, for example. 'Do you know who I am?' she asked. 'You've never seen me here before, and you'll never see me again.' If I catch you staring at me through the window.
Check the link below to learn about Dewinter, Danvers, and Rebecca;