Answer :
The answers based on the word usage in Shakespeare's Macbeth Act Two are as follows:
1. The word that concerns a deep loyalty towards someone or something is allegiance.
2. Carousing and lamenting are opposites in that carousing involves a lot of festivities and revelry while lamenting expresses deep grief.
Lamentation is devoid of debauchery unlike carousing.
3. The word that belongs in this group of conscience, principles, and ethics is scruples.
For example, a scrupulous person is hesitant to do wrong. This implies that the person is more disposed to observe ethical principles and follow their conscience.
4. The word that is a close antonym of diminish is provoke. Provocation increases bad emotions, which can also be diminished by emotional connection. An antonym expresses the opposite of something.
5. The word that could be used to describe a feeling of extreme thirst, which is eventually reduced by drinking a glass of water is quenched.
6. Two things that may be or appear gilded are a pigment and malice.
7. The things that might provoke a dog to attack a person are malice and provocation.
8. The word that might describe the feeling between sworn enemies is malice.
9. A dire situation is worse than a critical problem.
A critical problem has a solution that must be diligently discovered. A dire situation is hopeless and worrisome.
10. The following words would NOT be considered as a synonym of palpable: immaterial, blatant, flagrant, doubtful, and ethereal.
However, tangible, physical, and overt can be considered as synonyms of palpable.
What is a synonym?
The synonym of a word is another word that can be used to replace the said word without any loss of meaning because of close relationship.
11. To parley means to discuss or organize a discussion meeting.
12. The vocabulary word that comes from the Latin root, dominus or master is predominance.
13. The word that applies to each of the following (a witch calling upon her spirits; a court document; a note calling you to the Principal's office) is summons.
14. The teenagers clamored to catch a glimpse of, or get an autograph from the pop star before his show.
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