Passage 1 is excerpted from tamara davis, if galaxies are all moving apart, how can they collide? reproduced with permission. © 2009 by scientific american, a division of nature america, inc. All rights reserved. Passage 2 is excerpted from david biello, more often than not, massive galaxies form by mergers. Reproduced with permission. Copyright © 2005 by scientific american, a division of nature america, inc. All rights reserved.

Answer :

The reason why galaxies would collide is due to the fact that the constant outward force does not dilute.

The dark energy

This is the energy that is said to be responsible for the movement apart. Before the universe started moving apart, those galaxies that used to be pulled together may still have a chance at collision.

The passage says that dark energy dominates due to the fact that as the universe increases, matter and energy are also said to dilute.

Read more on the galaxy here: