Answer :
National is the total number of goods and services produced in a country in a given year.
National Income is simply a country's wealth and it goes a long way in shaping the economic development of a country. From, the definition of national income, we should know that every country national income( i.e the net amount of income of the citizens by production in a year) will differ hence, the difference in their economic development.
National Incomecan be classified in to two namely:
GDP: Gross domestic product is the aggregate value of goods and services produced in a country. it is used to measure a country 's economic growth.
GNP: Gross National Product on the other hand is the estimated value of the final goods and services produced by a country during a specific period of time (usually a year),before allowance is made for the depreciation or consumption of capital used in the process of production.
IF country A GDP is 52,000 while that of Country B is 45,000. We can say country A is economically developed than country B. i.e Country A is experiencing more positive growth than country B.
This explains a vivid answer to the above question as all country can not grow at the same rate since their national income differs. the higher the national income of a country, the better it is from others.