Answer :
Answer: The Book was Published in 1912 and James Baldwin describes each of the people included in the individual stories as having left "footprints on the sands of time". The story is based on the true life of the individual but is not a biography. It's a truly inspirational tale and a great example of excellent moral values. Despite being written over one hundred years ago, the story is still relevant today. If you are looking for an inspirational story full of ideas and enthusiasm to read to your children, look no further! Just print off this page, bookmark it for later or save it to your favorites! Discover the life of one of the fifty characters from the book 'Fifty Famous People - A Book of Short Stories' by James Baldwin. Each one of these amazing characters has left a legacy for us to enjoy and pass on to future generations.
The theme is that Zeuxis' pride of thinking he is the best painter in the world gets in the way of him seeing the (not a pun) full picture.
In the beginning, Zeuxis thinks of himself as the best painter in the world, and the only man in the world who can paint a picture so true to life. He paints a picture of fruit and the birds try to eat it, believing it to be real. But when he is challenged by Parrhasius, another painter, he finds that he is in fact, not the only man in the world who can paint a picture that is lifelike. He admits that he was fooled, and that he will not boast any more. Later, he paints another picture, of a boy carrying a basket of fruit, and he sees that the birds are not fooled by the picture, because they ignore the boy and try to get the fruit. It is then that Zeuxis realizes that he is not the best, and that he was too prideful to see it.