Answer :
When writing a story that includes a dialogue, the following rules has to be considered and observed:
- Always use quotation marks to indicate spoken words.
- Dialogue tags should remain outside the quotation marks.
- Use a separate sentence for actions that happen before and after a given quotation.
- Use single quotes to quote something within the dialogue.
- Always use a paragraph to indicate the introduction of a new speaker.
- State with a lowercase letter when actions interrupt a dialogue
- The opening quotation marks are placed at the first part of the first paragraph as well as each subsequent paragraph.
While the closing quotation marks are placed only at the end of the last paragraph. this rule is for long sentences.
- Em dashes are used to indicate interruptions and abrupt endings.
- Do not add additional punctuations when using ellipses.
What a story is
A story is an account of imaginary or real people told in someone's life in development of something or for entertainment purposes.
What a dialogue is
A dialogue is an exchange of ideas or opinion on a particular issue, its is a verbal conversation between two or more people.
Differences between dialogue and real life conversations.
In conversation, there is expression and exchange of individual ideas through talking with other people.
In dialogue, there is a conversation or discourse between two or more individuals.
Read more about story here:
Read more about dialogue here: