Answer :
One of the most annoying thing I see in public is when a significant other disrespects their partner. It can be something really simple, like someone pushing someone aside, to just hearing an insult come out of their mouths. As someone who has experienced abuse growing up and in other relationships, it is such a pet peeve when I see someone disrespecting their partner, because they are truly blind to the fact of how beautiful and amazing that person can be in my eyes. If they were so important and great to you, you would not treat them with such hate. To stop this activity, I would totally approach the person doing the disrespect and tell them to treat their partner better before that partner gets sick of their shenanigans and leave them for someone better (which they probably should, anyway.). Acknowledging the disrespector what they are doing wrong, and even the victim, letting them know that this is wrong, might push a better step into stopping this happen again.