What does "healthy" mean to you? What is a healthy food? What does a healthy meal look like? What makes a person healthy? This is your opinion, but answer as thoroughly as possible.

Answer :

health is a state of complete physical, mental and social-being A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people‘s health and well-being and overcome lots of stress being healthy includes healthy eating physical activities weight management and stress management. a healthy meal consists of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and fat free or low dairy products. includes lean meat, fish, beans, eggs. what makes a person healthy is regular exercise, balanced nutrition.


Healthy in my sense means good health and a stable mental state. A healthy meal would include vegetables and fruits. Sometimes eating junk food is good to satisfy your cravings. A healthy person is mentally stable. If their mindset is co-co (crazy) then they aren't healthy. A healthy person also exercise. If they don't exercise it's like reading a book without knowing what it means.