If you were a muse, what would you be the muse of? If there was a statue standing in the what would you be holding. There is no wrong answer. Use your creativity to think outside the box or be simple. Respond to at least two people's posts with positive responses. NO NEGATIVE or INAPPROPRIATE RESPONSES OR POSTS WILL BE TOLERATED.

I would be the muse of kindness. In my statue, I would hold a basket. In it, I would carry a variety of gifts and give things to those who needed them most. I asked my children what they would be a muse of and here were their responses.

Emmaline: The muse of Paleontology....she would discover new dinosaurs and name them. She would inspire other paleontologists of where to find new dinosaurs. Her first dinosaur would be called an Emmasaurus. In her statue, she would carry a bag of her tools.

Madeline: The muse of Empathy....she would give people who needed it the confidence to stand up for themselves and believe in themselves. In her statue she would carry a bag of stress balls and be giving a thumbs up(The kind with glitter).

These are very different takes on the assignment. There is no wrong answer (except NO answer).

10 Points for your answer, 10 points for responses to others' posts (5 points each)

I look forward to seeing what aMUSEs you :-)