Answer :
The frequency of chirps increases as the temperature increases. The correct option is B. The chirps occur closer together as the temperature increases.
Available data:
Data recorded by the student
Day Temperature Average time between chirps (sec)
1 21 2. 5
2 22 2. 6
3 23 2. 2
4 24 2. 3
5 25 2. 0
6 26 1. 8
7 27 1. 9
8 28 1. 8
9 29 1. 4
10 30 1. 2
11 31 1. 5
12 32 1. 1
In this experiment the student recorded the time in seconds between chirps.
We can see that as the temperature increases, in general, the time between chirps decreases.
- At 21ºC the time between chirps is 2.5 seconds
- At 26ºC the time between chirps is 1.8 seconds
- At 32ºC the time between chirps is 1.1 seconds
According to this information, if the average time between chirps decreases with the temperature increase, we can assume that the frequency of chirps increases as the temperature gets higher.
A) The higher the temperature, the fewer chirps there will be in 10 seconds.
Wrong. The number of chirps in 10 seconds will depend, not only on the frequency but also on how long the chirps last. Since the student did not record the time of chirps, we can not make this conclusion.
B) The chirps occur closer together as the temperature increases.
True. The chirps increase in frequency as the temperature increases, so they occur closer together.
C) The chirps become farther apart as the temperature increases.
Wrong. We can see how the time between chirps decreases as temperature increases, meaning that they are closer not farther.
D) There is no relationship between temperature and the time between chirps.
Wrong. If we make a graph we will see the tendency and the relationship between chirps and temperature.
Graphs usually explain the relationship between variables. In this example, the relationship would be inverse.
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