Answer :
1.The Birth of the New Woman
We tend to associate flappers, the embodiment of the New Woman, with the 1920s. The New Woman, however,emerged during World War I, not only in the women who took on new roles to support the war but in the posters that encouraged both women and men to get involved. The New Woman was emancipated from Victorian restraints, including their corsets and the sexuality. World War I posters helped the New Woman to emerge while enticing men to serve.
2.Technology in the 1920s influenced the American lifestyle by allowing more time for women in particular to engage in social concerns. With the invention of technologies such as the freezer, vacuum, and washing machine, many women had to spend much less time on domestic tasks. The invention of penicillin also drastically reduced the death rate of infection, giving people a growing sense of confidence in their world.
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