I'm Debbie. I live in Denver, Colorado. It's great here! I 1) have just started high school and I love it. I've already acted in a school play and I've 2) visited New York on a trip with my class. The shopping there is amazing. Now winter is coming so I go skiing at weekends. I've skied 3) since was five so I'm quite good! I've broken my leg twice, but I still love skiing! Also this year my parents have 4) bought a snowboard for me. I can't wait to try it. What about you?
I'm Paul. I live in Perth in Australia. I've lived here 5) for five years. Your life sounds great. I 6) haven't been skiing. We are near the sea so I go sailing at weekends. I've sailed to some islands near here and Sydney, but I haven't been 7) for a month because we've got exams. My dad 8) has been to New York, too! He bought me a baseball cap! Also, I like acting – I've 9) been in the school play four times. Write soon!