how do u great personalies behave with common people ?​

Answer :


  • Animals and humans all have common problems of survival," said Frank Sulloway, a psychologist at the University of California, Berkeley. "Those common problems of survival are spelled out beautifully in the Big Five, and that's why there's so much continuity in human personality and animal personality.


There is no single solution to what personality and behaviors you should be expressing," he said.

There is no single solution to what personality and behaviors you should be expressing," he said. An evolutionary root of personality means traits must be inherited. So whether you'd like to admit it or not, much of your personality comes from your parents. In fact, for humans, about half of the differences in personality are genetic, Soto said. The rest of the variability in personality comes from your environment, such as life experiences and birth order. (First-borns tend to be more assertive, while second-borns tend to be funnier; younger siblings use humor to diffuse the power that older ones have over them, Sulloway explained.)