On the following page, write a static method print Short Words that accepts two parameters:_____.
a. a String str containing a list of words (separated by spaces), and an integer maxLength .
b. This method should print out the words in str whose lengths are at most maxLength.
c. You can assume there will always be a space after the last word in the string.

Answer :

Methods in Java are collections of program statements that are named, and executed when called/invoked

The printShortWords method in Java where comments are used to explain each line is as follows:

//This defines the static method

public static void printShortWords(String str, int maxLength){

    //This iterates through each word in the string

    for(String word: str.split(" ")){

        //The compares the length of each word to maxLength


            //If the length of the current word is atleast maxLength, the word is printed

        System.out.print(word+" ");




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