Lisa was surprised to see that her sister thought taking the students to the maze was a great idea. "Aren't you the thoughtful one?" she asked, failing to hide her irritation at the suggestion. "What if someone gets lost, stuck, and scared? I teach second graders!"
"Aren't you going to be with them?" Livy asked. "I thought kids liked playing hide-and-seek type of games.
"Not with 20 of them at once!" Lisa said, dismissing the maze idea immediately. "It is not hide-and-seek, Livy. It is a maze!"

How is Lisa's remark "Aren't you the thoughtful one?" an example of verbal irony?
Lisa is actually mocking Livy's suggestion.
Lisa is seriously questioning Livy's motive.
Livy actually happens to be thoughtful.
Livy is going to help Lisa with the kids.