Answer :
Theme for English B”, As a Representative of Self: This poem is about the speaker’s attitude, interests, and background. The professor asks the narrator to write a page about himself. The speaker begins his assignment, providing some necessary autobiographical details because he wants true. After talking about his age, academic history and identity, he unveils a crucial reality that he is the only colored student in his class. He believes people belonging to different casts, color and identities share common interests. Also, he writes that his assignment will not fully represent him. Willingly or unwillingly, they both influence each other. In this way, all of his doubts, questions, and hesitations become his page for English B.
Major Themes in “Theme for English B”: Identity, creativity, and racism are major themes of this poem. Right from the beginning, the black speaker struggles to come up to the expectations of his white professor. Although there is a divide between the speaker and his professor, yet he writes about his experiences and likes to present his true character in his assignment. At first, he is a bit nervous as he feels indifferent. However, he realizes that his likes and interests are similar to the people belonging to other races, which makes him confident. The speaker establishes a ground reality that America is a land of diversity and people influence each other regardless of their identities and skin color.