How does the kitchen setting affect both Arturo and martìn I-ready quiz Death By Soap Monsters

How Does The Kitchen Setting Affect Both Arturo And Martìn Iready Quiz Death By Soap Monsters class=

Answer :

The kitchen setting left Martin in control which made Arturo feel uncomfortable and apprehensive.

We can reach this answer because:

  • According to the text, Arturo feels comfortable working at the restaurant.
  • This is because, as his mother and family are at the restaurant, he feels protected, as everyone especially treats him.
  • However, the kitchen is a different environment.
  • His mother is not in control of the kitchen and the change in setting has allowed Martin to take control of the kitchen and see Arturo with new eyes.
  • Martin doesn't see Arturo as special and claims that no one in the kitchen sees him that way.

Arturo is uncomfortable with this environment.

You can find more information about the setting at the link:

Answer: Arturo usually feel comfortable in the restaurant. But today in the kitchen, he working for martin, who refuse to treat him specially.
