What was the most significant Strength and Weakness for The American and British Army? Use video"British and American Strengths and Weaknesses" by Waldo Middle School Social Studies

Answer :


British Strengths:

*Some of those funds were used to hire Hessian mercenaries to fight the Americans.

*Britain's military was the best in the world. Their soldiers were well equipped, well disciplined, well paid, and well fed.

*The British navy dominated the seas. Funds were much more easily raised by the Empire than by the Continental Congress.

British Weaknesses:

*The British had an extremely difficult objective. They had to persuade the Americans to give up their claims of independence.

*The geographic vastness of the colonies proved a hindrance to the British effort. Despite occupying every major city, the British remained as at a disadvantage.

*The British fought a war far from home. Military orders, troops, and supplies sometimes took months to reach their destinations.

American Strengths:

*Americans had a grand cause: fighting for their rights, their independence and their liberty.

*This cause is much more just than waging a war to deny independence. American military and political leaders were inexperienced, but proved surprisingly competent.

*The war was expensive and the British population debated its necessity. In Parliament, there were many American sympathisers. Finally, the alliance with the French gave Americans courage and a tangible threat that tipped the scales in America's favour.

Americans Weaknesses:

*The Americans had tremendous difficulty raising enough funds to purchase basic supplies for their troops, including shoes and blankets.

* The British had a winning tradition. Around one in five Americans openly favoured the Crown, with about half of the population hoping to avoid the conflict altogether.

*Most Indian tribes sided with Britain, who promised protection of tribal lands.
