Question 4 is based on the source below:

"Apart from the other tax burdens which the Christians had to bear under Ottoman rule, from time to time their handsomest offspring were seized from them. Separating the children from their parents, the Ottomans would instruct them in the martial arts. These children, abducted by force, never returned to their parents. Alienated from the Christian religion, little by little they forgot faith, parents, brothers and sisters, and all their blood relatives, so that when they later encountered their parents they no longer even recognized them. I can find no right words to picture the pain and sorrow, the weeping and wailing of these parents when their children are torn from their bosoms and out of their grasp by those fiends. To parents who had just barely begun to instruct their children in Christian teaching, the hardest thought was that the evildoers would soon succeed in seducing them away from the religion of their forebears and in turning them into dreadful enemies of the Christian religion and Christian people.”
Excerpt by Bartholomew Georgiewitz, an individual living in the Ottoman Empire c. 1600 CE.
4. Based on the attitude and point-of-view expressed in the source above, Bartholomew Georgiewich was ​most likely intended for this document to be read by:
a. Ottoman Government Officials
b. European Christians
c. Muslim Religious Leaders
d. Merchants from African and Chinese Cities

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