Answer :
Sample answer from edmentum
Beside her a man’s voice, soft and deep, made her start and turn. She had noticed the speaker amongst the first-class passengers. In fact, she had caught herself staring at him more than once. Something intrigued her about the way he looked at ease lounging in his crisp white dinner jacket, yet he periodically cast nervous glances over his shoulder. The young woman had tried to sit next to him, hoping to engage him in a conversation. After all, he was closer to her in age than many of the other passengers, and he was obviously traveling alone. But no sooner had she sat down than he popped up and trotted away. And did she imagine things, or had two rather tough-looking men—definitely not first class—hurried after him? She resolved to tell him about those men when next she saw him. The next day she found him on deck, dressed elegantly in tennis whites, yet also stressed. But as she approached, a page handed him a message and he rushed up the grand staircase with the grace of a gazelle. After all of that, here he was, desperate to talk to her.