for burt, who has claustrophobia, a small dark room creates a small amount of fear, a stairwell creates a bit more fear, and an elevator creates the most fear. burt’s therapist induces deep relaxation and asks him to imagine a small dark room. gradually, they will work up to having burt imagine being in an elevator. what aspect of exposure therapy is this?

Answer :

The aspect of exposure hierarchy that Burt, who has claustrophobia, expresses when he ranks his fear is known as Stimulus Hierarchy.

Stimulus Hierarchy is an aspect of exposure therapy where the psychologist asks the client to rank his fears.

  • The fears are ranked from the lowest to the highest. So, the least feared appears at the bottom while the most feared occurs at the topmost level.

  • The Graduated exposure therapy is a form of behavioral therapy. It was developed by Joseph Wolpe.

Learn more about Exposure Therapy here: