Answer :
Hamlet, according to his discussion with Horatio in scene 1 page 9 favors death as an agent of freedom and equality.
Notice the inference he draws using Alexander the Great:
Hamlet: ...isn't it possible...that the remains of Alexander the Great could be used to patch a hole in a barrel?
Horatio: If you thought that, you'd be overthinking
Hamlet: ...just follow the logic: Alexander dies, he is buried, and returns to dust. The dust is dirt, and dirt makes mud which we use to patch holes. Tell me why it is impossible that we might have used some dirt which used to be Alexander?....
The great emperor Ceasar, dead and turned to clay, may plug up a hole to keep the wind away...
Hamlet's logic is simple. All men (great or small) are destined to die. But he employs the imagery of mud and dirt to further drive home the notion that if the bodies of the greats decayed and turned to dirt, as well as those of the poor and nameless, then death was indeed an equalizer.
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