The relationship between culture expression What is the relationship between the possible intent of the creator and your own interpretation of its meaning

Answer :

1. The relationship between culture and cultural expression lies in their definitions.

Culture refers to the way of life of a people. Culture embraces all the aspects of the social, economic, political, and religious activities of a group of people. On the other hand, cultural expressions are the means the group expresses their creativity within their cultural setting.

Thus, while culture encompasses the group's totality, cultural expressions showcase to the outsiders the ways the cultural group puts its culture into context.  This context involves the production of goods and services and the satisfaction of human needs, thereby defining its relationship with the outside world.

2. The relationship existing between the creator's intent and the interpretations given to the creator's work is that the creator does not need to consult the interpreters before creation. The interpreters of creation, on the other hand, are free to explain what the creator had in mind during the creation process and the purpose of any creature or creation output.

Thus, the interpretation may fall short of fully interpreting the creator's purpose because they can only view the creator's outputs from an outsider's perspective.

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