Answer :
The stratosphere absorbs over 95% of incoming ultraviolet radiation.
The stratosphere is the second layer of the atmosphere and it is composed
of ozone layer.
The ozone layer is composed of ozone which helps to shield the earth from
the ultraviolet radiations from the sun. The absence of this layer will result
in skin burns, cancer etc .
This is why special attention is given to prevent further depletion of the
layer which will most likely cause harmful effects and threaten existence of
life on earth.
The stratosphere absorbs over 95% of incoming ultraviolet radiation.
The stratosphere is the second layer of the atmosphere and it is composed
of ozone layer.
The ozone layer is composed of ozone which helps to shield the earth from
the ultraviolet radiations from the sun. The absence of this layer will result
in skin burns, cancer etc .
This is why special attention is given to prevent further depletion of the
layer which will most likely cause harmful effects and threaten existence of
life on earth.